One Piece/Season 10/

Episode 358: Blazing Knight Sanji!! Kick Down the Fake Wedding

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Blazing Knight Sanji!! Kick Down the Fake Wedding

Season 10, Episode 3586/15/2008

As Luffy finds himself facing Gecko Moria's animated shadow Doppelman while attempting to attack Moria, Usopp manages to dispatch the Wild Zombies and chases after a frighten Perona with Kumacy chasing after him. Though Absalom initially believed Sanji to not be a threat as he easily dispatched Inuppe, he is shocked that the pirate able to actual due harm to his heavily modified body. Having placed Nami's unconscious body on a pew, Sanji explains that he has more of a beef with Absalom besides his actions against the women in his crew.

Blazing Knight Sanji!! Kick Down the Fake Wedding